It’s back with a twist baby!!
Mayor of Lulie 2024 wants YOU to tell us why you should reign supreme over Lulie Tavern and win a $1000 bar tab, a double pass to LuliePalooza, your plaque in the Bar & 12 months of Mayoral Discounts.
I will do WHATEVER it takes to make Lulie the greatest bar to exist. Let’s not put another man in power!
I might be small, but what if I told you I had the biggest heart ever? Well, I can’t do that, but I can tell you I’d be the best Lulie Mayor you’ve ever seen - if you look down.
Vote Ned - short on legs, big on ideas
My name's Rhys. I'm a Wiradjuri and Gamilaroi fulla who came here to chew gum and eat ass but apparently they're all out of gum.
A vote for me is a vote for you, baby! If I'm voted mayor I'll be the people's mayor: visible, responsive, and gettin shit done. I want to hear what you want out of OUR Lulie Tav
I’m Steve your future mayor! You may know from local band Smooch! If I win mayor I will split my $1,000 bar tab with everyone that’s a promise x